Collection of information, appraisal and assessment data and reporting of any potential hazards within a site

Seismic surveys use a physical energy source to transmit elastic waves through the ground. The speed and path of the waves is determined by the density and elasticity of the ground. By analysing the speed and nature of the responses, a model of the sub-surface layer velocities can be produced.

Civiltec provides site investigation or subsurface explorations services for the following objectives,

  • Determination of the profile of natural soil deposits and/or rock strata at the site,
  • Determination of engineering properties of soil and/or rock,
  • Identification of groundwater table levels, locations and its variations,
  • Monitoring of ground vibrations,
  • And many others related to site investigation works.

Our site investigation or subsurface explorations services are usually carried out systematically and our planning depends on the nature of subsoil and the type of structures Stages of work